ZANU PF shielding Kunaka and his Chipangano group

September 7, 2012 at 9:22 am Leave a comment

By Tichaona Sibanda

The MDC-T MP for Mbare, Piniel Denga, on Thursday blasted ZANU PF as being
responsible for government’s failure to fight crime. He said they are more
concerned with protecting their own politicians than ordinary citizens.

‘The problem with ZANU PF today is that it doesn’t have the political will
or leadership to stamp out crime. Instead of fighting crime, they’re busy
encouraging Jim Kunaka to rob commuter omnibus operators in broad daylight,’
Denga said. Kunaka and his Chipangano gang use Mbare as a springboard to
launch their violent activities.

‘Instead of making the criminal justice system work for all Zimbabweans and
keeping them safe from criminals ZANU PF, which controls the security
sector, is only interested in protecting the members of its closed, crony

Last week operators of minibuses in the country officially lodged a police
report against Kunaka and his Chipangano militia, for extorting money from
minibus drivers.

‘It’s over a week since this complaint was lodged with the police and
nothing has happened to Kunaka who still walks scot-free, fund raising for
ZANU PF by stealing money from drivers.
Denga told SW Radio Africa that in constituencies like Mbare, ZANU PF’s
violent policies had left the poverty-stricken fending for themselves.

‘People in Mbare have been left alone when what they needed was a partner or
partners to empower them, someone to give them a hand onto the ladder of

‘But what you get is Chipangano extorting money from market holders,
blocking all developmental projects like housing and a food court in the
suburb. What they don’t realize (ZANU PF) is that voters do not forget and
they will have their say in a ballot box,’ Denga said.
Our Harare correspondent Simon Muchemwa said despite police complaints
against Kunaka and his group, Chipangano are still forcing minibuses to pay
extortion fees of $2.

‘He’s getting protection from the police and I believe there is no
individual from the security services who has an appetite to arrest Kunaka.
He’s such an influential figure with the Harare province of ZANU PF that it’s
believed he may be a front for some of the politburo members running
businesses in the capital,’ said Muchemwa.

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Wake up call for MDC-T ZBC Launches Anti-Copac Draft Constitution Program

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